
Friday, August 21, 2009

Jin's Weekly Diary of Graduation''

Went to Bangi main campus to take my rob early in the morning and had lunch at YeePoLouXuFun. Thanks a La and Wenqi for the ride.
At the evening, went to wedding shop to take family photo at the studio and had dinner at HeiLoyTang as celebration. Thanks nanny and aunties for the angpows. Gained some extra-pocket money since my RA salary has not being paid yet.
Went to Bangi Danao Golf Club to attend a Pre-Convo Hi-Tea ceremony. Thanks Dr Poh for offering XiaoChuan and I a ride.
Frankly, although was free of charge, XC and I felt like being "cheated" to attend the ceremony as we were being told that Dean Cert will be given out yet in fact it was just be collected from the counter. Hmmm. Think of the good side, at least, the feeling of disappointment and boredom were able to be consoled by nice freshly Fruit Rojak.

My Big-day had come. Really glad to meet my lovely friends appeared at my convo.
Thank to you guys for the flowers and presents. Not to forget to thank my parent and PeiLee. Thank to my lovely old friends for waiting me until my convo ceremony ended. Specially thank to Lydia and lap for being my photographer as well. Had a great dinner with you guys.
Felt grateful to have friends like you all.

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