
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Moist CHoCoLaTe CaKe

Chocolate Topping:
200gm whipped cream
40gm butter
240gm chopped chocolate
  1. Heat whip cream till it boils.
  2. Add chopped chocolate and mix well.
  3. Add butter and mix well.
  4. Let is rest one night.

Chocolate Cake:

Part A.
2oz cocoa powder (Vanhouten brand)
2oz sugar
1 cup water
  1. Mix together and double boil until sugar dissolves.
  2. Leave to cool.
Part B.
6 eggs
7oz sugar
8oz self-raising flour
8oz butter
  1. Melt the butter and leave it to cool.
  2. Seperate the egg yolk and egg white.
  3. Beat egg white with half sugar until light.
  4. Beat egg yolk, half sugar, butter, and 'A' until well mixed.
  5. Add flour and mix.
  6. Fold in the egg white.
  7. Bake for about 35 minutes at 170°C.
  8. Apply chocolate to middle of cake and as topping.

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