
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mid-AuTuMn CeLeBraTioN 2009

GreaT TiMe DuRing Mid-AuTuMn FesTivaL.
CeLeBraTed iT with mY Lovely FRiends & ReLaTives.

MooNLighT CeLeBraTion GaTheRinG:

Long TiMe Didn't MeeT Up With My ReLatives Since CNY.
Glad to Join with them for the MOonLighT CeLeBRation Gathering''
BBQ-ing, STeaMBOaT-ing, ChiT-CHaTing.
PLaYed with my Little Cutie COusins.
LisTened to theiR sToRies.
Kiddies' WOrds someTiMes are SimPLe, sTraight-FoRwaRd & wondeRFuL.
Amused by thEir great ideas.
THat NighT, i allowed myself to be big-Kiddy. grin*

C.I.R.C.L.E Meet Up:

Rushed BacK to SereMBan after the whoLe day Meeting.
ReacHed at SeremBan around 8pm.
QuiCkLy Took My Bath & waited FOr mY Gang to Fetch Me. (Thanks, Lap)
TheN, we Went to LinHUi's House to have our 1st Mid-AuTumN ceLeBraTion.

aLL de JoyFul MOments CapTured in de Photos. (THanks Lydia)
Quite a Long Time didN't Play with CandLes & TangLungs.
Lap BroughT us back to Our ChildHood Days.

Some MiNoR InCident Happened.
Lap MentioNed to PrepAre some Water For ANy suDDen oCCurance.
and ended up it Really Happened. grin*
de Aloe VeRa plant was caught by FiRe.
Lap's sTeaDy PrompT reacTion was kept in Mind.
Won't forget Lydia's Stunting Look as well. grin*

BeFore Going Back, we had aLMost 1 Hr Eating & BLuffing TiMe.
Tried the cuttleFish Snack which HighLy recommended by Lydia.
Tasted good.
Shared some SPagHetti receipe with LinHui as well.
MayBe nexT ROund when we gaThered together, we can cook a WesTerN meaL with spaGhetti, mushRoom soup and Dessert.
Sounded wonderFul, don't you Guys Think so'' grin*
DeCoDe THis --> ibqqz njebvuvno gftujwbm
note: you can get the answer from the photos.

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